Hedging bets for TV audiences
Earlier this year in March, UK gambling activities that would have normally generated 50% of revenue were forced to close due to COVID-19. Betting ceased due to a lack of events on which to bet. Bookmakers suffered from almost total curtailment of sport and the complete closure of their stores. As expected, this kind of situation can have a detrimental effect on an industry. So, advertisers had to turn their attention to TV advertising. During lockdown, UK gamblers watched 58% more TV than usual, making this a crucial step in the right direction.
So, when live sport made its comeback at the start of June, the bookies rushed back to our screens and advertisers had to adapt once again. So, which high rollers bring home the title when the competition is TV audience share?
In our latest versus series of infographics we display how gambling rivals, Paddy Power and Bet 365 play their cards in a bet for TV audiences. Paddy Power v Bet 365 analyses UK TV audience impacts for 16-34 men in June 2020.